
Job hunt Strategies for Tech Strategy Roles in the Current Market

Tired of the job hunt process. Was laid off 2 months ago, been dropping tons of apps, but not even getting interview invites at this point. And the 1-2 interviews I got, did not convert. Using T1 MBA network, LinkedIn HM outreach, and inbound recruiters for now - still nothing. People who are actively looking or recently scored a role - can you please share your strategies that are working/have worked for you to get an interview, and to excel in it?

Tesla ermusk Apr 27

Hey Hunter!

Zynga zU‼️zz Apr 27

It’s a number game my guy….

Workday nutella69 Apr 27

Referrals where the referrer has worked with you directly before and talks to the hiring manager about you.

FNNI DreamBiger Apr 27

How do you do LinkedIn HM outreach?

Meta WLCn58 Apr 27

Hey, I feel for you. I was just in this situation. What got me out of it was targeting 20 companies on a sheet, checking in with roles daily, and only applying to roles posted in the past 24 hours. Jobs posted in the past 2 hours are even better - the faster you apply when they have fewer than 20-30 applicants, the better. Then immediately reach out to the recruiter. If no recruiter is listed, go to the employees section of LinkedIn and spam 20 people from that company re: the role. Use your best judgment to discern which might be decision makers. Use wording along the lines of “hey I saw this role, how can I help?” Frame it in terms of you being the solution, not the needy applicant. You’re going to have to spam, spam, spam like your life depends on it. You might get lucky, like I did. Timing is everything, as 3/20 people responded within an hour saying “hey we just posted, thanks for reaching out, let’s set up an interview.” I took a pay cut, but it’s at the company I wanted to work for. Good luck. 🍀