Job OpeningsMay 17, 2022

Referral hopes: executive, assoc partner or partner design

TC currently about $230k Looking for $400k+ TC based on my research and experience. 25+ YOE, got stuck in a startup model and took too long to realize I need to move on. Looking to break back in to product design or brand strategy space. Would look at brand consultancies, tech, FAANG, and more. Remote, working with and leading a broader talented group of creatives is my primary goal. I am largely industry agnostic and have extensive senior level design experience. Places I’ve been looking so far: #prophet #oliverwyman #accenturesong #deloittestudio #collins #bbh #lippincott #meta #jpmorganchase #unity #uber #netflix #huge #landorandfitch #disney #magicleap #akqa #greylock #firstround #rightpoint

ABC mObz74 May 19, 2022

Disney isn't doing remote, if that helps.