Burnt out at GS - HELP!!

I like my job at GS but my team has been understaffed for the past one year and doesn’t look like staffing will get better anytime soon. I have vacation left but given that it’s the busy season right now and we’re short staffed, my manager was not pro the idea of me taking time off. I’m burnt out and really need a break. Is it possible for me to take a month of unpaid leave for mental health reasons? Does GS have any provisions for this? If yes, who do I talk to? #mentalhealth#burntout#goldmansachs#benefits#hr TC: 85k Location: Dallas

Capital One LHxM80 Mar 9, 2022

For that TC you need to get out ASAP

Snowflake winorlose Mar 9, 2022

I’d suggest looking elsewhere. No job is worth your mental state.

Goldman Sachs patsfan1 Mar 9, 2022

I used to work there and probably on a totally different team/division, but I can definitely relate to the feeling. I vaguely recall that it may be possible to get an unpaid leave of absence but it’s certainly not something that could happen overnight and would probably not be what you’re looking for. What I would suggest instead is to first have a catch-up with the manager and explain what’s going on, how the workload is kind of piling up over time with no letup and the fact that you’re really feeling burnt out. I’m sure that you can work something out short term where say you take off 1 day a week or maybe even 2 for the next few weeks. Work with your manager to triage projects / commitments on your plate that you just aren’t having time to get to but that are eating away at you and discuss a plan to either shelve some of these, drop the less important stuff, and limit your scope of focus to the most important. Mental health is the ABSOLUTE most important thing and props to you for recognizing when it’s slipping. Now is the time to double down on exercise, sleep, diet, and a few mins meditation daily to get through this period to the other side. And keep in mind that a lot of these roles are designed in such a way that there’s no reasonable way for you to “catch up” or keep up with the amount of work incoming by yourself over a long period of time. Even if you like a lot of things about the role, you gotta look at the overall package and decide when it’s time to move on to a different team, division, or even company for a better work life balance

Goldman Sachs patsfan1 Mar 9, 2022

I’d like to add that in these rough times I also was able to use a program offered for free where you can get up to like 6 free sessions with a therapist. Talking to someone really, really helps in the period of time when you feel mentally overwhelmed even when you know what your problems are

Goldman Sachs GSN1234 OP Mar 10, 2022

To be honest, I think my manager is burnt out as well so I just don’t feel comfortable talking to her. Having said that this is quite helpful. If nothing else works I’ll try talking to her. Thank you!

Goldman Sachs 2bformerGS Mar 9, 2022

For medical leave (including mental health) reach out to MLOA team. It should be paid too They take mental health seriously. Feel free to dm

Goldman Sachs GSN1234 OP Mar 10, 2022

DM’ed you