Buy $440k worth of TSLA options?

Ok title is kinda bait, but I just started at TSLA with a 4 year grant of $440k (110k/year). I can take cash, stocks, or 3x the options for every stock that I would have gotten at today's strike price (well avg of April). I can also do a percentage of each, but I kinda wanna do 100% of one of the choices. TSLA options could pay off handsomely if the price shoots up like a meme stock again, though they could also expire worthless if the stock tanks. I have 10 years from today to exercise the option, however if I leave the company then I have 3 months from termination to exercise the option. I'm 27 yo, and kinda wanna take the risk to potentially make bank and go 100% options. What would you do? Edit: I’m also on an H1B so I have to stick around here for at least three or four years to get my green card so maybe that’s a factor? NW: 500k TC: 310k (including the grant) - base 200.

39 Participants
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Cisco fjsksk34 Apr 14


Tesla PvhN35 OP Apr 14

Calls only my dude 😂

Apple CMDK22 Apr 14

Your risk preference, but I wouldn’t take that gamble.

Apple timmymouse Apr 14

Do it! Go big or go home

ex-Flexport .Top G. Apr 14

Do it. you’ll prob be motivated to work like hell and also get promotions and tons of career growth out of it. Never bet against Elon.

Apple timmymouse Apr 14

+1 to this. Do not bet against Elon

Tesla PvhN35 OP Apr 14

The issue with this is that my entire life is contingent on this one job and if I lose it then within three months, I gotta take the L. Why not bet against Elon I mean the stock is down 30% this year?

Tesla yurrrrrrrr Apr 14

You posted this on the internal channel already. Unsure why you’re indecisive when numerous people replied on your initial post.

Tesla PvhN35 OP Apr 14

Bro it’s a big decision that’ll affect my whole life, let me get some more feedback. what are you the blind police 💀

Malwarebytes JjDz08 Apr 14

What was their feedback?

LinkedIn 5m Apr 14

50/50 stock/options

Tesla PvhN35 OP Apr 14

This implies that I’m bullish on the stock so why not just go 100% options at that point?

Salesforce )37!Gei6? Apr 14

So that when a dip happens 1 day before option sale you wouldn’t lose everything ? Why would you pay and buy a stock at higher price then you can get it cheaper from the market ? Let me know if I am missing something here.

Salesforce g3yevg vds Apr 14

Didn't I see this post a few days ago? Word for word?

Tesla PvhN35 OP Apr 14

Bro what is it with the blind police lol, so what you saw it before? you want a cookie?

Amazon pewpeweww Apr 14

Most answers here are wrong. You’d want to do 50% options and 50% cash. This is so you’re hedged. Can adjust the % per your risk tolerance and how bullish you’re on the stock. If you’re completely bearish, then 100% cash it is.

Remitly RemitDeez🥜 Apr 14


Airbnb sardonn Apr 14

This is a bad advice, not optimal in any way, and you’ll feel like crap no matter what.

Meta WGFP35 Apr 14

If you weren’t thinking about the visa I’d be more with you on 100% options - if they cash in great and if not then you can get another job. But if you are going to stay either way then maybe more of an even split

Airbnb sardonn Apr 14

What does visa have to do with it

Meta WGFP35 Apr 14

OP said somewhere they were on an H1-B and was not looking to jump from Tesla for a few years, so it doesn’t make sense to be as risk seeking with the comp

Nordstrom fuhjsi637 Apr 14

@OP, are you SWE?