Tech IndustryJan 11, 2020

C# bad language for interviews?

A lot of interviews both online/automated and in person expect Java, Python or C++. But don't support C#. Even for big companies. C# is also missing priority queues and sometimes the optimal solution requires one. Been screwed over due to these reasons multiple times now. Java is pretty similar to C#, should I become more familiar with it so I can use it in an interview setting?

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pñoil Jan 11, 2020

I am certified C# dev and I have been always using JS for interviews.

ZackZack OP Jan 11, 2020

For the reasons I mentioned or some other ones? And why JS?

pñoil Jan 11, 2020

I just think is really flexible and that allows to do quick tricks that in C# requieres more boiler plate.

Zymergen needsleep! Jan 11, 2020

Because C# is used in far fewer tech stacks

ZackZack OP Jan 11, 2020

True, it makes sense, just didnt realize how much interviewers actually care about tech stack.

Zymergen needsleep! Jan 11, 2020

It's not that I'm opinionated, I just don't know much c# and it will be harder to see if you've made mistakes

SAP RrWs73 Jan 11, 2020

Only use C# at a MSFT shop

ZackZack OP Jan 11, 2020

It will be held against you at other places?

SAP RrWs73 Jan 11, 2020

Just won’t know it. Better stick with Java

Amazon HTD45S Jan 11, 2020

If you interview at apple SDE and not use java, 95% you'll fail interview. In other companies, if you dont use java, and run into a lc problem that requires use of minheap, and you only know c#, fail interview right away. Bottom line.. java is the best coding language of choice for coding interviews. If you're going to spend tons of time on 700 LC problems, do it in java

ZackZack OP Jan 11, 2020

Yeah I've been burned enough at this point for not using Java. Wish I had known this sooner, thanks.

Facebook GtWK82 Jan 11, 2020

Why would you use Java instead of Objective-C or Swift for Apple...?

SAP san jose2 Jan 11, 2020

I am .NET developer and started my career with Java. I also code in JavaScript but anyday I prefer Python over any other language for Leetcode.

Amazon HTD45S Jan 14, 2020

Try doing calender booking 1 on LC with python during an interview. You'd have to write more code on whiteboard, and convince the non python expert interviewer that it works, and if you make a mistake, fail interview. Btw if I see code that's outside of my language expertise, I go back and load up pycharm or whatever and run that code. If it doesnt work, fail.

SAP san jose2 Jan 14, 2020

I just wish that you never interview me 😛