Not interview ready but Netflix recruiter reached out

Ive been wanting to switch jobs and started prepping 2 weeks ago. A Netflix recruiter just reached out but I'd probably need 2 more months to be ready. Do I take the call? I don't want to bomb it, but also I haven't been getting callbacks on the few applications I've sent out as feelers. 3 yoe 300k

ex-Meta 李哥吗 May 6

Tell the recruiter you are genuinely interested in the company and not willing to take the risk by being unprepared. Tell them you need 2 months time and see if they schedule the interview that far out. That way you have a deadline and can keep yourself accountable

AVEVA notbot💀 May 6

Does this work? I have always wondered if being this straightforward is helpful or foolish.

Apple joshwang May 6

What level are you for 300k TC?

Google d83jr9 OP May 6


DocuSign prodLaunch May 6

Job location?

Google d83jr9 OP May 6


DocuSign prodLaunch May 6


Amazon hohohoohoh May 6

Bro I can tell you that they will just take somebody else if they go through the pipeline at netflix. Its a long process, I'd honestly just keep studying and go through with it

Palo Alto Networks DwightShr May 6

Redirect him/her to me.

Netflix bowshamwow May 6

Why do you think you’re not ready? What would you even do in 2 months that would make you “ready”?

Google d83jr9 OP May 6

My leetcode is rusty and I haven't prepped system design at all before. I'd study both of those to be ready.

TikTok bannedsoon May 6

Doesn’t Netflix not even ask leetcode?