Interview Kickstart worth it?

I’m planning to start preparing for FAANG interviews. I am at level 0 in the leetcode world. I have seen advertisements of interview kickstart and similar online coaches. Do you think those help with the preparation? I’m targeting for L6 at Google. Please guide on best way to prepare, #interviewkickstart #interview

7 Participants
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ex-Dropbox huStb3t Apr 24

We’ve got a NYC study group, and a few folks on discord are opening up more chapters

LinkedIn tUeh73 Yesterday

Please don’t fall for these scamsters. IK is not going to create any miracles like their outrageous claims and their outrageous price. There are lot of free and reasonably priced resources on the internet for what it’s really worth. Leetcode, Neetcode,, cracking FAANG, many YouTube channels and more.