Tech IndustryOct 8, 2021

Gemini Non-Compete

Hey guys, has anyone here quit Gemini to pursue another opportunity in the blockchain industry? Do they enforce the 1 year non-compete clause in their agreement? Thanks.

Apple aaaaaple Oct 8, 2021

Not a lawyer, but they can’t enforce in California

Tesla inner_soul Oct 8, 2021

If your company from California, All non-competes not enforceable and are void in California

Oracle Mangoes🥭🥭🥭 Oct 8, 2021

if you are nobody then nobody cares. just dont download IP to your usb/cloud drive

Gemini sat0shi Oct 9, 2021

We are known for being litigious. The language of the non-compete is so broad that if enforced would prevent you from joining most places that works with blockchain. Many employees has protested this (to no avail) because there's no valuable IP here and the tech is pedestrian at best, monolith hacked together by bandaging a bunch of spaghetti. If you are interested in blockchain tech, there is no point in coming here. It might even prevent you from getting where you really want to be. Some people have left and continued to work in crypto but it's up to you if you want to take that risk. Upper and middle management doesn't know how to build a company or create value, the single tool they've found useful is suing. If the only tool you have is a hammer everything you see is a nail. Matters will be settled via arbitration and not court. The odds will be heavily against you. There is also a 1.5 year "opportunity period" where you are not allowed to invest in new crypto assets or startups without first consulting if Gemini wants to take advantage of the investment. Most of the time it would not be an issue. It would only be an issue if the investment is successful and they found out, then they could potentially sue you and take away your gains + their legal fees.

oPYU35 OP Oct 10, 2021

Thanks sat0shi!

Gemini dvya02 Apr 29, 2022

Where is the non-compete clause in your employment agreement? I’m not seeing anything about that in mine

Gemini stqP31 Jun 30, 2022

Hello. Does anyone have any concrete examples? I am keen to leave this dumpster fire and have an opportunity at another blockchain company that would suit me perfectly. But I’m genuinely concerned about being sued by a desperate company looking to lash out? I don’t work in technology and have absolutely no IP worth a dime, mostly because Gemini has none.