Autodesk Layoff 2024

Layoffs are coming for Autodesk software engineering teams in the USA and Canada. This is another set of silent layoffs that everyone in the company took as a surprise. The new investments are in machine learning and AI. The severance package is peanuts. They allow for another opportunity within the company, but open positions are minimal. #autodesk #softwareengineering #layoff2024 #tech #techlayoff2024 #techlayoff

IBM prof.swe Feb 6

Wow I was just about to apply there :/

Autodesk Ymff12 OP Feb 6

You can still apply. The company is doing well. The stock appreciated 30% in the last couple of quarters. You never know who is lucky :)

Zoom NuZoomie Feb 6


Microsoft win.exe Feb 6

Thank you Biden

Google svjhdssj Feb 6

Another case of ai eating people’s jobs. No, it’s not that ai can do what these folks do. Rather, companies are cutting people to feed the damn machines under the promise of ai. Most companies would never reach ai excellence. All those repetitive training is no different than running bitcoin transactions - complete waste and environmental disaster

Amazon epistaxis Feb 6

How's the WLB been? I've considered jumping ship a few yr. ago but haven't done my homework since

Autodesk Ymff12 OP Feb 6

WLB depends upon team culture. Some teams have hectic work. But, they pay well(base+equity) for Lead and above.

kgTP52 Feb 6

I heard that many impacted software engineers are from the customer experience team. Do you know if other teams outside of that are safe?

Microsoft pls ficks Feb 6

Thought they never layoff. Especially since Autodesk has moat with its products in the Design & Make space

Autodesk cardinal80 Feb 6

We’ve heard fearmongering about widespread layoffs for months now on Blind and it hasn’t happened. Check the CA WARN notices - nothing. But hey, if you keep warning about it then you’ll be right eventually.

Autodesk qPBA02 Feb 7

Andrew literally said today that we got rid of 180 people.

Autodesk cardinal80 Feb 7

That was Rebecca and referring to last year.

Amazon NoMorePXT Feb 10

I am in Mgmt and I have not heard of any layoffs. Some individuals orgs might be doing changes based on the new year initiatives that they got funded.

Autodesk CodeXpert Feb 12

Is this true? What about the last summer interns ?? Are they ever going to get converted ??

Insurance Company subjugator Feb 22

Were 2023 interns not given full-time offers?

Autodesk ProCoder7 Feb 22

Nope :( Don’t know why Autodesk is doing this!