
Can Apple employees publish their side projects as open source on GitHub?

As per title. Is it allowed?

H-E-B Grocery fzpc65 Mar 26

Probably not without legal review. Knew a homegirl that had to jump through hoops on shit.

GitHub 3975542768 Mar 26

We don’t allow Apple employees to host code on our platform.

Liberty Mutual Insurance squabble! Apr 13

Referral dm?

Apple dpxt50 Mar 26

Nice try Business Conduct team

ex-Roblox Broblox Mar 26

Depends on the state on how much "to the side" the side project is in (i.e. was any Apple owned equipment or software used?)

Apple 59wc1a2o Mar 26

Yea and it can’t be related to anything Apple does as a business. You straight up can’t be an iOS app developer on the side for instance. They basically want you to check with them before doing any sort of side hustle. I had to clear taking DJ gigs during weekends 😂 like bro it’s free drinks, some pocket change, and there are a lot of hot chics at my residency.

Apple aapl888 Mar 27


JLL shtposter Mar 29

No, especially not apps. You might be able to get it cleared, start by asking your direct manager.