Tech IndustryDec 5, 2019

Can I just ask recruiters for a specific TC?

I don't think it's worth either my time or theirs to interview for positions that would not pay me enough to move. Just not sure how to bring it up. Some of the places don't seem to have bigger salaries than what I make (I'm trying to stay in NY) but I don't want to rule them out blindly either. But, it might be thought of as rude? Would you ask? Or say something like "I'm only interested to move if I can make above Y amount of money"?

Facebook qOIs50 Dec 5, 2019

You can be a bit more tactful and ask what is the comp range for the role you’re interviewing for. You don’t have to disclose current TC but you can if you want to. If you give them your current TC and it’s too high for them for some reason, they’ll just tell you or silently drop you from the process which is good for you either way.

ash_ketch Dec 5, 2019

^ what he said. You can also try to do some research on Glassdoor, Paysa, Payscale, etc and find the average pay.

IBM fTaY55 Dec 5, 2019

There’s nothing rude about this. In fact it saves so much time for everyone. I’d definitely say (and have said) exactly what you’re saying in your quote during the initial conversation.

Apple oo35 Dec 5, 2019

As long as you’re not applying for an entry level role, this is totally acceptable. If you’re good in your field, everyone knows what’s up.

Medtronic oliverjade Dec 5, 2019

Most companies have cost of labor concept when it comes to salary range. They use market data from similar company to come up with a salary range. They of course don’t match with different industry. For example, a chemical company will match with other chemical companies in the areas but not with automobile companies

Expedia Group AyyDiosMio Dec 5, 2019

Big caveat that if you do this you need to do your research beforehand. Don’t need to disclose your current TC, just your desired range. I did that at my current job but only because I knew what top of range was before talking to the recruiter

FLYR hQJf32 Dec 5, 2019

I’d ask for what the range is for the position, I wouldn’t give current TC to company because you can’t take that back and could end up low balling yourself at the end

noSoup4u Dec 5, 2019

Yep I always start with that. I say what is the salary range for this position, the reason I ask is that if the range is not aligned with my expectations then it won't be best use of our time. It doesn't have to be exact just a ball park figure. Also never mention your TC and most decent company will not ask you and if they do then just say that you have to consider the work and the fit with the team and company before we can discuss compensation

Bloomberg laura57 OP Dec 5, 2019

Yeah pretty sure it's illegal in most states to ask me for my TC. I'm not going to shoot myself in the leg by saying that. But I'll be a bit more diplomatic and ask what the range for the position is before anything else. Thanks everyone!