Tech IndustryMay 1, 2018

Can a manager request an out-of-band layoff?

Old school legacy IT SE here, and many of the services I support are either being transferred to vendors or moving to Azure. Not really interested in becoming a developer (I know, get with the times), but it’s pretty much the only option I have at this point. If I hinted to my manager that I’m really hoping to be laid off, could they go to HR and make a one-off request or are RIF’s always HR driven? I had heard a rumor a while back about MS offering a voluntary lay off process w/reduced severance, but probably just a myth. I guess it’s still worth planting the seed, so when future rounds are made, I could hopefully be sacrificed... :-)

Microsoft $foo May 1, 2018

You really need to evaluate your motivations and work ethic. You’re holding yourself back from growth. Take the time to learn some new skills. You might enjoy a change of pace but it seems like you are afraid. Instead of dreaming about getting laid off, start putting effort into self discovery. You sound burned out. Take a long vacation.

Google crosser May 1, 2018

Different people have different motivations, and reasons for what they do. Stop patronizing someone you don't know anything about. He didn't ask for life advice. If you don't have the answer he's looking for, shut your piehole.

Microsoft AmI3vil May 1, 2018

The OP is working class, and you’re using bourgeois logic. Read all about it:

Microsoft May 1, 2018

There is a voluntary seperation agreement at Microsoft.