Tech IndustryAug 28, 2019

Career advice

Hi blinders, I am trying to find a new job, but I get tons of work at my current job which makes it difficult to do LC and interview at other companies. I am thinking of leaving my job and doing LC for two months full time. Is this a bad decision? Also is 2months work gap a bad sign on resume. Have you ever been in a similar situation, where you find it really difficult to study and interview at other companies, while you have ton of work at your current company. How did you plan to get a new job? Any suggestion is highly appreciated. Thank you.

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Indeed browpqc Aug 28, 2019

Think of the insane pay raise you might get when you jump ship then grind through LC after work.

QuoteWizard boops Aug 28, 2019

2 months is nothing bruh

QuoteWizard boops Aug 28, 2019

But can’t you take PTO? Vacation days?

LCGrind OP Aug 28, 2019

Boss man said not to take any leaves for atleast another month.

HBO woqusl621 Aug 28, 2019

I’ve done it but I found the recruiters for FAANGs dry up when you’re not already employed. Make sure you have connections who can give a referral if you want FAAANG or have a good resume. I don’t have a degree though, so it could be easier for you.

Enova LsJm55 Aug 28, 2019

Also I've found job search depends a lot on market. Sometimes there are tons of openings and none at other times. If you've decided to leave anyways why bother doing ton of work? I'd recommend cutting down current work load and continue search.

Informatica Select 1 Aug 28, 2019

Don’t quit; push back on workload.

IBM IT 🎈 Aug 28, 2019

You estimate 2 months but it's a mere assumption. Could take you much longer (although our market is a candidate's market). Use up your vacation if possible like the dude above said. If you feel you're in a dead end job and have at very least 6 months of financial security, draft a plan down to each day for you to reach your goals and go for it.

Microsoft fidA18 Aug 28, 2019

Don't quit, since you have already decide to leave, reduce current daily job, worest case bad review and layed off. In that case you will even get compensation.

LCGrind OP Aug 28, 2019

Is getting layed off a bad sign while interviewing at other companies. How would you explain? Sorry if I am asking basic questions, I new to corporate world.

QuoteWizard boops Aug 28, 2019

The new company wouldn’t know if you are laid off or fired; you don’t have to explain, and it doesn’t sound like your current company can afford to fire you. They have to pay extra $$ compared to you quitting

Tyler Technologies batwomann Aug 28, 2019

At a previous company, a few coworkers took medical leave for random things, looked for a job full time, then came back, coasted for a couple weeks and then quit.

Pandora joystick Aug 28, 2019

Just start interviewing with low tier companies. This will force you to “make time” to prepare for interviews and get you in going. Pull an all-nighter before the interview if you have to. It will be stressful and you can always quit if you can’t keep it up. Another thing that helps to get started with preparation is interviewing candidates yourself if your company is hiring at the moment (you can’t ask LC questions unless you feel comfortable solving them yourself)