Career advice for a Sales Engineer

Which is the best industry that pays good and to build the career with the background of 4 years sales experience in Elevator Industry?

Micro Focus GWOz11 Aug 31, 2019

As a sales engineer, either SaaS or Security.

Amazon 🧙🏼‍♂️🧝🏼‍♂️ QA Eng Sep 3, 2019

Sorry dumb question what is a sales engineer, and what is your day-day, week-week like

Amazon kawahi Sep 3, 2019

There a salesman

Amazon RCRV46 Sep 3, 2019

I imagine they’re selling software / cloud services, with enough technical prowess to Leetcode medium

Amazon bFTl40 Sep 3, 2019

If you’re a sales engineer and not a sales guy within your first 7-8 years, switch jobs. Your income depends on how good your product is and how good your salesperson is.