LayoffsFeb 17

Rant: If you’re not laid off, STFU!

My LinkedIn feed is currently filled with posts stating how sad they are that their colleagues got impacted and suggesting “please reach out for any help. Without even specifying what help they are offering. Seriously what is the end goal here, how are you helping anybody? You’re just taking the stage away from folks who actually got laid off and could use that network outreach themselves. At the very least re-share posts of impacted folks with your post. I know LinkedIn is cringe but it is THE most powerful tool at the moment to find and apply jobs. #layoffs TC: 0

Meta TopBoySuly Feb 17

Lots of virtue signaling to make one feel better about not being sacked

Google CrucialCUJ Feb 21

People who don't get laid off are the real victims of layoffs. More work with same pay. Laid off have 0 work but extra pay.

Microsoft Muad´Dib Feb 17

Agree. Those posts are disgusting. Take notes of who is making them.

Apple 🍐.🍐.🍐.🍐 Feb 17

They are good for showing the morale impact on the rest of the workforce. It’s not like people are looking for jobs through the posts feed, they come up through profile search and messages instead

edemanf OP Feb 17

While well intended I feel it’s counter intuitive. Rather than highlighting the immoral state of the current workforce they accidentally are normalizing it further. While not as much as direct messaging and profile, I personally have found LinkedIn posts to be somewhat useful for outreach. I got at least 3 calls from my layoff post. 10s of connections reached out to help with referral and got introduced to job which was not even listed yet. I even got my first internship because someone viewed my academic project’s post.

SoFi StillFloat Feb 17

I recommend spending less time doing low quality activities like getting bothered about LinkedIn people. Unhealthy for the mind.

MassMutual CarFan Feb 17

Yes what is even worse is twitter err X..Just stay away from them.

edemanf OP Feb 17

I unfortunately need to browse LinkedIn. Got laid off. As cringe as it is, it’s the most useful tool for job search.

IBM ThegoodA Feb 17

The real people who wanted to help DMed me and linked me with open positions directly. I will never forget that.

Investment Bank Glinda Feb 18

Same for my spouse. He will always be grateful to the people who reached out directly with a job, referral or simply a sympathetic ear.

edemanf OP Feb 19

Same. I just got an offer that came through referral from someone who reached out.

KS2 Technologies SeiK25 Feb 17

It's a humble brag basically letting people know that there was a lay off at their company and they have been deemed too important to get cut. It's also a big FU to those who did get laid off because there is rarely any genuine desire to help.

ex-Coupang RealTalks1 Feb 17

Perhaps you can reach out and see if it helful. And if you don't like it just ignore it. They are not harming you, maybe some ppl get drive value form them.

edemanf OP Feb 19

They are indirectly harming folks who did get laid off. They take away the impressions which otherwise would’ve gone to posts of laid off people. I’ve talked to these people and they are also the least helpful.

Investment Bank Glinda Feb 18

When my spouse was laid off in 2020 along with one-third of his coworkers, dozens of people wrote these virtue signalling posts but only a few actually helped with a referral or job opening. If you can help, reach out to the person directly. Don't post something to make it look like you care, because you don't.

Salesforce gfdduvdtt Feb 19

This has been a thing since 2023