Nemo IT Solutions, Inctechbee15

Charles schwab offer evaluation

I recently got an offer for Senior software developer at Charles schwab. I’m currently in Chicago. Is it worth moving to SFO for that pay? Current: Base: 120K Location: Chicago New: Base: 145 Location: SFO

Microsoft xspl0iter Mar 27, 2021

140k in Bay Area is hard living.

Nemo IT Solutions, Inc techbee15 OP Mar 27, 2021

Am I lowballed here? Should ask for more ?

Zillow Group x4k3y1 Mar 27, 2021

I've done it at 140k. Was a bit rough but opened doors to 500k+ roles.

Nemo IT Solutions, Inc techbee15 OP Mar 27, 2021

Who long it took to switch ?

Zillow Group x4k3y1 Mar 27, 2021

Depends on your skill set. If you're truly a senior engineer, you'll make a minimum of 250k working for tech companies.

Facebook 🍅 tomato Mar 28, 2021

Depends on what you’re looking for: * Is your goal to use this as a spring board to other Bay Area companies to double (or more) your comp? If so do it, but living on 145k in the bay is going to be rough compared to 120k in Chicago. * Consider your life outside of work (not sure how much that matters to you in Chi) but Chicago is much more vibrant and fun in addition to be cheaper than SF (ie. With your TC you can afford a nice luxury apartment in the city, same won’t be true in SF with your initial TC) I’d only make the move if you see it as part of “the long game” in getting a job at a higher paying Bay Area company. In a vacuum without that, making the move for 145k is definitely not worth it.

Aprimo KYKv43 Aug 24, 2021

May I ask op do you accept the offer?