LayoffsFeb 1

Cisco EN BU layoff

Is there a layoff in Cisco Enterprise Networking BU ? platform team for DNAC . Or is this initiative important for the company and so no layoff ????

eBay akpman3 Feb 1

There are no sacred cows except CEO

Amazon initdeez🥜 Feb 1

DNAC was doomed to fail from the start. Started losing customer trust when the added DNA subscriptions were forced on everything.

AT&T wizard01 Feb 4

Is that the one that Cisco ISE ties into? I have heard of scale issues with DNAC

Amazon initdeez🥜 Feb 4

It does integrate with ISE

Cisco FredCisco Feb 2

Meraki is the way to go. DNAC was terrible from the start and had too many scale issues even though it had a better architecture than Meraki Cloud which is still using 2005 tech monolith Ruby on Rails.