Citadel Interview?

Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has any insight into the process at Citadel, and the types of questions they ask? There seems to be a huge variance between people's experiences. My close friend is a trader there and he and his coworkers keep telling me to interview, but I don't want to get a referral from one of them and end up embarrassing myself. Also a lot of those guys are on the trading side and I assume the SWE interview is different, more coding less math? I'd really like to get a SWE perspective on it. Currently at a job I don't really love, but took it because I couldn't get any interviews when I graduated (Covid Grad). I'm pretty solid with LC except for DP, also hard level problems are still a toss up, but of course I would grind quite a bit before any interview. Mostly have done LC because I find them kind of fun lol, but if I was studying for an interview I would definitely take it a bit more seriously. Appreciate any advice on this! YOE: 1.5 TC: 75k LC: 220 #swe #citadel

Amazon BabyPluto Jan 31, 2023

I was interviewing for SWE but they switched me to trader interviews. It was all quite behavioral but I couldn't get past the third. Questions are like "tell me about your hardest project", some scenario based stuff, and questions about why you're interested in trading the specific financial instrument. If I got further, would have gotten a take home case interview I think

Meta 2qt Jan 31, 2023

1. Def get referral to increase your chances to pass filter 2. 50% lc 50% os. Honestly, the only place that during the interview asked real questions to actually check if you know how computers work

KPMG BadJob OP Jan 31, 2023

My friend says he's confident he can get me a first round, so hopefully the filter won't be an issue. How were the level of LC questions? Was it mostly mediums or should I spend a lot of my prep time on getting more comfortable with hards? Also, what level were you applying for and how long ago was this? I'm hoping to apply for a junior SWE role considering I'm not sure if I have learned the best fundamentals from my current job. Do you have any good OS resources to learn about it? I was an EE in college so never had to take any OS classes lol

Meta 2qt Jan 31, 2023

lc are med/hard, on a line. I dont recall cit having levels (to he transparent, talking about cit sec, but they should follow same flow). At least on applying level, perhaps within a loop the difference- mine was iirc 2lc+os, 2sysdes+os, 2behavour os level discussions were truly good, one of the best part of interview (apart with one manager talking about "retard" trading lol). It can take easy 20+min of round, they go as deep as you can handle. You can learn a lot about the engineer by asking "what are threads"

Meta Enron Musk Feb 2, 2023

SWE interviews have huge variance. Expect generally hard LC though, and systems fundamentals questions that draw from a huge base of knowledge. Be very familiar with OS concepts, esp caching and memory. I also had some Trading interviews that involved market-making games and coinflip problems.