Coding interview platform for Facebook

Which platform does Facebook use for coding interviews? TC: 350k YOE: 14

Microsoft ffghbfdcb May 15, 2021


Amazon Fix1t OP May 15, 2021


Apple DOGE->EGOD May 15, 2021

They don’t let you run your code

Amazon Fix1t OP May 15, 2021

Interesting insight. Recently, I took an interview at DoorDash and they used hackerrank and input was a string which I had to manipulate to transform to a meaningful input. And then at the end they made me run the test cases writing a main method. Waste of time according to me. Do you know peudocode works for them? Or they want a working code only?

Apple DOGE->EGOD May 15, 2021

I think they expect real code, but how perfect it should be depends on the interviewer/interviewee. They have executing disabled on coderpad but want you to step through it manually.