Tech IndustryMar 13, 2022

Coinbase RSU price calculation

How do they do the share price calculation? Is it calculated at offer time or based on price history around joining date? Since they have that prorated grant for new hires based on the Nov-Nov cycle, wondering if they’ll use the price from Nov 2021 or some sh!t like that for all new hires until Nov 2022. TC: $250 YOE: 6

Apple DeepakMu Mar 13, 2022

Price of stock on Friday of first employment week.

Microsoft sjxtuwodb Mar 13, 2022

This seems incorrect. My offer letter states that it’d be avg closing price of 60 trading days ending the last trading day of the month you join. So if you joined on Feb 14, your grant price will be average of closing price on Feb 28 and 59 trading days before that.

Coinbase Xmkf28 Mar 14, 2022


Rubrik DbRn44 Mar 17, 2022

Does that mean, if I joined sometime in April, it will be the closing price of 1st Friday in April?