Tech IndustryMar 3, 2022

Coinbase US to India Transfer

Have an offer from Coinbase US with joining next month. Now I am considering moving back to India in June. Does Coinbase allow internal transfer within 2 months of joining? #coinbase #india #offer #internaltransfer Current Tc - 450K YoE - 9 TC at Coinbase - 672K

Amazon pathdfb Mar 3, 2022

Microsoft tc - 450k. Wow, do you mind sharing role/level?

Microsoft furlsr OP Mar 3, 2022

L65 Principal

Amazon pathdfb Mar 3, 2022

Thank you. Can you share the breakdown. Expecting an offer. Not sure how far external hire can go. I can DM if that works better

Coinbase xY23zt Mar 3, 2022

Yes, only if you don’t require visa sponsorship to the country you’re moving to

Microsoft furlsr OP Mar 3, 2022

Thanks! Does coinbase allow retaining joining stocks and joining bonus?