IndiaJan 5, 2023

Companies in India doing deep Linux Kernel development

Could someone tell me companies in India doing deep Linux Kernel and also device driver development and also contributing to Open Source? How can I get into such companies? I am struggling to find good work in India in this as most of the work is some trivial modifications. TC: 51 LPA. #tech #opensource #linuxkernel

Charter xl134t Jan 5, 2023

Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Intel, Nvidia all have teams focused on kernel and driver development

IBM 6fc Jan 5, 2023 Canonical does some good work in India in this area. Not sure whether they are hiring or not. All the best.

Alstom OcDW88 OP Jan 5, 2023

How is ISDL in India? I rarely see openings there and if I apply i don't get any response.

IBM 6fc Jan 5, 2023

ISDL India is good. I just joined 3 months back. Please DM, if you are interested in exploring. I know they do a lot of firmware work, but my knowledge on those is limited.