
Companies with Visa Support

Currently at Amazon. Seeking referrals for companies in the UK, Switzerland, Netherlands, Germany, or Singapore offering visa sponsorship. If you can refer, please let me know. Thanks! YoE: ~5 TC: πŸ₯œ #tech #swe #referral #visa

Constant Contact lilcyco Feb 19

Following along as I have been trying to move out of the US and have been heavily searching for a few months but I’m on the partnerships/customer success side. There are a LOT of companies willing to do a lot for SWEs and relocate them.

Amazon Hav28dh OP Feb 19

Thanks! Can you please mention some of those companies?

Constant Contact lilcyco Feb 19

Let me see if I can find the list I was pulling from

Unity VAlA88 Feb 19

Yeah, Switzerland you can forget about, especially with 5 years of experience. They got strict quotas on immigration and Swiss workforce - everyone and their mother has a pHD. You have to be seriously skilled, known and loved to get sponsored for a visa here. Best move - get a job in USA with a company that has an office in CH, and ask for a transfer after a couple of years.