Companies with proper automation and high quality code base

Promo feels impossible in current team and my career progression feels like it’s being hurt. What are some companies where there is proper automation/CICD/testing is in place. Current company feels like everything is a manual review process with endless bureaucracy which frankly gets really annoying to deal with. I would also like to work in a higher quality code base without significant technical debt and with proper documentation. Do any companies exist like this or is it really a team by team basis? TC: 180K YOE: 1 IC1

FIS mæstrø Nov 8, 2023

Every company has a perfect codebase and CI/CD pipeline. Except companies that exist in real life.

x/0 Nov 8, 2023

They do exist, don't think they could go very high on TC. Last place before layoffs this one staff engr had free time and he upgraded the java version, it was pretty cool to see how someone would actually do that for an entire company. It was a pretty chill place before layoffs though. A lot of it was driven by needing to ramp up security though, so you might want to look in places where security issues due to technical debt wouldn't fly well with the company mission.

Lyft recs Nov 8, 2023

Lyft has all of that but probably not the best place to be at right now

meowski Nov 8, 2023

companies like that tend to die. velocity matters

eBay asaV27 Nov 8, 2023

The opportunity is right in front of you. Doing the crap no one else will is a tremendous value add specifically if it improves velocity. The lack of drive to own the problem suggests a poor progression velocity no matter where you go.