CompensationAug 18, 2019

Compensation Expectations for Solutions Engineer in San Francisco

Asking for a friend. He's fresh out of college with a bachelor's in computer science. Would be working in SF as a Solutions Engineer for Fyver which I guess is a position where he fixes code issues for specific customer cases. Just wondering what range he should be expecting for salary, bonus, and stock compensation.

StockX GapF22 Aug 18, 2019

So a client facing software engineer or often called a field engineer in other companies. Depends where your “friend” works... what companies is your “friend” targeting?

ServiceNow Kiddin OP Aug 18, 2019

He's expecting an offer from a company called Fyver

StockX GapF22 Aug 18, 2019

Hmm I don’t know it. If it’s a general custom solutions shop, there’s a lot of variance. I would ask for ~160k TC and let them humble you or make your year lol