FitnessJan 5, 2019

Consequences of smoking Weed (poll)

For those who started smoking after college, did you notice any changes in your performance/productivity at work? Or to your general health?

206 Participants
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TinyGirl Jan 5, 2019

Positive short term, in low and infrequent doses. Negative when done too often like 3 or more times a week. I haven’t smoked weed in 4 months and I am much more productive and focused now. But on the other hand, I wouldn’t have made it through 2017 as well without it. I had a rough year and weed made me relax. For food, sex, music, cuddling - weed is still great for once a week! Everyone have different experiences. I didn’t answer the poll because the options are not very good.

Google Osterno Jan 5, 2019

Negative (shitty poll design)

A10 Networks fropser Jan 5, 2019

Smoking anything is bad. Vaporizing is better, and you can actually taste the buds better too. Even water should be consumed with moderation.

Netflix tnCP40 Jan 5, 2019

Neutral when adding up the pros and cons.

Amazon vmprwrkday Jan 5, 2019


A10 Networks fropser Jan 5, 2019

:sensible chuckle:

Amazon tenders Jan 5, 2019

How is sex while on weed?

乇乂ㄒ尺卂 Jan 5, 2019

It made my already out of control navel fetish nearly impossible to manage.

Zendesk tangerine8 Jan 5, 2019

I smoke on a daily basis and so so many of my colleagues. I tend to slow down and reflect more when I’m high on marijuana, so I believe it’s helped me think deeply and reflect on my day. I’m also not the type to get lazy when I smoke, so i still get what i need to get done, done. But for every productive stoner, I know about 10 others that should not be smoking regularly, as it makes them lazy and unmotivated. I find that those that are more fast paced and high strung, it may be helpful to smoke regularly, but for those that are naturally more chill and tend to take their time, it might not be very good for them. All in all, it’s very subjective. Might be good for some, not so good for others.

SAP Cabron Jan 5, 2019

Weed is piece of shit and the cause of many deaths south of the border

乇乂ㄒ尺卂 Jan 5, 2019

An inability to establish any sort of meaningful industry caused many deaths south of the border.

Sony 🍪Monster Jan 5, 2019

And ineffective, corrupt government.

Facebook fb2017 Jan 5, 2019

Weed smells really bad, worse than shit. So people feel talking with shiteater when speak to you.

LinkedIn W.Wolf Jan 5, 2019

7 years ago when I was 18-19 I smoked a lot of weed. Like 5 bowls a night. Weed is fun and can give good ideas, but ultimately I think it set me back mentally just a little. Word recall became hard.