Oracle OCI Screening application status

My application status on OCI portal for a position I applied says “Screening”. What does that mean and what should I except from OCI?

Amazon slickdice Mar 28

Recruiter has short listed your application. May reach out to you for a Phone Screen.

Amazon AWS21 OP Mar 28

The status was changed 3 days ago. How long do they take to contact?

Amazon slickdice Mar 28

Emphasis on the “May” The recruiter will shortlist a few. They may or may not reach out to you (generated email asking you to select a time from their calendar) …depending on the candidate pool for that role. Stay put. Oracle recruiters are SWAMPED at the moment …and it may take a while.

Expedia Group zVwE46 Mar 29

Mine was updated to screening a month ago, till now I didn’t get any call

Amazon AWS21 OP Mar 30

Mine switch to “No longer under consideration” after 3 days :(