Crypto = gambling. Bitcoin = saving superior money.

Should not need to explain.

General Motors CxmR10 May 5

Stock market gambling > crypto gambling

Amazon kele_lelo May 5

Can I buy GM cars with Bitcoin?

Bloomberg pinkfloyd0 May 5

Nah. Less upside in one, endless ape money in the other

Capital One pinea May 5

Is Bitcoin no longer considered crypto?

SalesLoft xpub OP May 5


SAP csu38t3 May 5

Need to explain.

Lattice82 May 5

BTC is awesome. Crypto has the chance to make memes a meaningful financial product. Ideally, perhaps idealistically, memes would be a turbo-evolutionarily culture game, constantly spun up based on occasion (from politics to music stars to soccer teams, to countries, to just about anything). They constantly battle for attention and have a token attached to them that is issued fairly (eg see wif distribution). The little guy can buy the meme token with pennies and can put their savings into them based on their affiliations and believes (eg with soccer teams or such). The token team gets paid by the success of their token.

Lockheed Martin anonlmpm May 5

What is your annual salary? What is the fair price for a cheeseburger? What is your net worth? How much are you trying to save annually? If you answered these questions in terms of USD, then you don’t really believe that BTC is a superior currency.

SalesLoft xpub OP May 5

Just because bitcoin is not yet a common unit of account does not mean it's not superior money. Bitcoins monetary properties make it superior money. Bitcoin is still extremely early in monetization process, both medium of exchange and unit of account will come. Gradually, then suddenly. Edit -- With all that said, I do think about a lot in Bitcoin terms. I compare other assets I own in Bitcoin terms and my savings goals are typically denominated in Bitcoin. I believe the world will eventually catch up and everything will be denominated in Bitcoin

Lockheed Martin anonlmpm May 5

Drinking the kool-aid

Anduril dUcI70 May 8

Last cycle it was >Bitcoin = gambling and most people didn't even know what Ethereum was, let alone anything else now generally considered "crypto". So this thread is bullish for my shitcoins desu. You will be buying my dogwithbat at ATH.

Lattice82 May 9

Wif to 25!

CEFs04 15h

Not related but If anyone is looking to stake your crypto assets check out this exchange . You can join the group chat below: