Tech IndustryJan 29, 2020

Culture and growth at Indeed

Curious to hear more about the culture, WLB, compensation and growth opportunities for product managers at Indeed as I lookout for opportunities. Thanks!

Indeed whywhywhy0 Jan 30, 2020

What location do you consider?

Amazon aeHU42 OP Jan 30, 2020


Indeed oooa Feb 3, 2020

Come for WLB. Don’t come for long term TC growth. The LTIPs stuff means low TC when you get promoted.

Microsoft aabc Feb 4, 2020

Could you elaborate? How does promotion mean less TC because of Ltips?

Indeed 2201 Feb 19, 2020

Depending on your role you can negotiate a nice TC to start with, then anniversary bonuses to bridge the gap before LTIPs kick in. Not so bad. Better than Amazon long term for sure.