Accenture joining Bonus

My brother got 15k joining bonus for joining Accenture. But he got another good offer and had to quit Accenture within one year. As he quit before one year, Accenture sent a letter to refund the bonus. So, he is wondering what will happen if he does not return the bonus? Apart from not able to join Accenture again, will there be any other impact/action against him? Can you please share similar real time experience only? #accenture #joiningbonus #bonus

Goldman Sachs MMM3 Sep 30, 2022

Theoretically they could lawyer up and force him to collect. However, for 15k it may not be worth it for them. It all depends, but why not just pay it back? You risk legal action if they choose to collect

Blue Cross Blue Shield growin Sep 30, 2022

They can send it to collections and hurt his credit score. They can sue if they want. If his offer letter says he needs to pay it back, then he agreed to that and should pay it back. Check if it is prorated or entire bonus.

Salesforce hdjxjjdj OP Sep 30, 2022

If it comes to that, he may be forced to pay. For now, they havenā€™t sent any threatening mail about collections. Also, I believe collections companies usually ask you to pay first before hurting score and if he pays up, he may not have any impact

Zoho bugi Oct 9, 2022

Common sense and basic ethics dictate that the money is not your's and you should pay it back. But I guess we should do it only if it negatively impacts us. Haha