Take contract role?

Thoughts on taking an underpaid contract role at a target company (Airbnb)? I was laid off a few months ago and it would be nice to have that bridge while I look, but there is zero chance I'd stay for the full contract (1 yr) and would continue to look for permanent work. Am I burning serious bridges if I leave after a month or two? The role and level are fine (not a step down).

CBTS Rosie22 May 9

They do not care anymore, if you have a good reason to leave why not…

Vimeo NotYoutube May 9

I wouldn’t feel bad about leaving anywhere at this point… if they can lay you off on a whim it should definitely go the other way too

Amazon Ehpx54 May 9

Best to approach this with the objective of making the best of it. It means as long as the work is good and supports your growth (you already said money is good) stay for a while say 6-7 months then start looking. Two months will not give you any valuable experience.

Instacart Prag25 OP May 9

Money is not good. At least 25% below what I'm targeting. The level is right, but they're paying a lot less than they would for permanent position (no equity or bonus, obviously). Really would just do it to pay the bills and minimize the gap in my experience.

Amazon Ehpx54 May 9

I see, if you add loss of benefits then the gap should increase even more. This is probably through a subcontracting recruiting company. I advise you to read any agreement you sign very carefully, it may contain substantial penalties for breaking contract early. I am sure they have thought of people wanting to get out early and put legal mechanisms to penalize that. Honestly I don't think it is worth it. I got the opportunity when Inqas laid of early 2023 and declined it. It is much better to use the time to up skill as needed, prepare for interviews, and take care of yourself. Job search is a full time job.