Tech IndustryMay 1, 2022

DP for frontend interview ?

I'm preparing for Frontend interview with around 6+ yoe. Is Dynamic programming required for frontend interview roles ? I feel already bogged down by tons of topics to learn and revise. Resources that I'm using to prepare. 1. 2. Javascript DSA by Sammie Bae 3. Aditya Verma and few other YouTube channels Blind tax Tc: 24 lpa #tech #softwaredeveloper #interview #javascript

Tekion Jethaji May 1, 2022


Walmart fligs OP May 2, 2022

Is it applicable to FAANG because from what I've heard 'Google loves DP' ?

Tekion Jethaji May 2, 2022

Sure if u are targetting Google , then no topic in DSA can be skipped, for rest 95% dp is not needed , even meta has 0 DSA based rounds for frontend role