Data / Engineering at StubHub

Hey folks, forgive me if this is the wrong group to post in. I’m currently interviewing for a data engineering related role at stubhub. I was excited about the opportunity at first, but Glassdoor is showing several signs that the company is on a decay. It’s hard to filter out if it’s people being angry from layoffs or if the company is genuinely bad. Can anyone speak to how the Data or Engineering team culture is at Stubhub? Or just the culture in general?

StubHub de76brt Apr 15

I'm enjoying it. Glassdoor and blind is filled with reviews from people who got laid off in 2020 so there's a lot of bad reviews

StubHub brinkOZ Apr 15

Things seem to be genuinely improving. I would not assign much value to Glassdoor or Blind reviews.

StubHub butsbuh Apr 16

DE has grown a ton recently. They had some big cuts last year but things seemed to have improved on their side