Tech IndustryOct 8, 2019

Data Science @ Stripe

What’s the best way to get Stripe recruiters to respond to your application? I’ve pinged a few on LinkedIn and haven’t received responses from most of them. One recruiter asked me to apply online but I haven’t heard from them for ~2 weeks. Any guidance/ tips would be appreciated! Comp: 175k, YoE: 2

Axtria racers Oct 8, 2019


Cisco MetricsMan Oct 8, 2019

Stripe recruiters are assholes. Super pretentious and they don’t do anything that contributes to the bottom line. I reached out to a recruiter that went to the same university as me and he turned his nose up and acted like a hardcore gatekeeper. Stripe is notorious for having the absolute worst recruiters and interview process.

Deloitte V.Y Oct 8, 2019

What's the interview process like?

Symantec Anykze Oct 10, 2019

Wait I thought the recruiters were super nice and they got back to me really fast and the interview process was really great LOL