Data Scientist vs Machine Learning Engineer

Have been thinking changing jobs recently. For future development, which one has more potential, DS or MLE?

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CVS Pharmacy ck53m Aug 3, 2020

Are’s they basically the same?

Walmart syntaxbugs Aug 3, 2020

Data scientist = analyst, MLE = SWE

CVS Pharmacy ck53m Aug 3, 2020

Depending on you define DS. Most of Data Scientist deploy machine learning model nowadays.

Cisco vivekan Aug 3, 2020

MLE = ML + systems.

BASF FSAB OP Aug 4, 2020

totally agree!

Walmart syntaxbugs Aug 3, 2020

MLE roles will continue to be popular for a while until the market realises that 99.9% of tech problems can be solved by traditional SWE roles.

SAP nerd1 Aug 6, 2020

They will keep being popular. Programming will be to the next century what writing was in the 19th. “SWE” will make as low sense to someone in 50 years as “typewriter” as a job role makes sense to us today.

Walmart syntaxbugs Aug 6, 2020

I hope I’m wrong since your vision of the future is infinitely less dreary than mine but I find that unlikely.

BASF FSAB OP Aug 4, 2020

Thanks for reply. Looks like MLE is more popular.

Starz tvGM62 Aug 6, 2020

To deploy an ml model requires a fair amount of software engineering.

Facebook spysausage Aug 4, 2020

DS are, well, scientists. They should be savvy with experimental design and causal analysis that drive large-scale strategy. A priestly caste. MLEs are the manual labor for implementing the DS’s insights at scale. Important, sure, but theoretically a little more proletarian

Infineon Technologies ShankarOP Aug 5, 2020

Are you currently a DS at facebook?

Walmart syntaxbugs Aug 5, 2020

Very few DS are actually the priestly caste. Most DS today think they’re Python devs because they write SQL in pandas and they’re statisticians just because they import sklearn. Most of these “scientists” are glorified consultants a la McKinsey. MLEs are also hyped but their understanding of scale, systems and production (a term foreign to most DS) is a transferable skill set when the ML bubble finally bursts. So it’s better to be in that bucket.

Upstart eiXB13 Aug 6, 2020

Data science has good potential if it's what was called data science 5-years ago. Companies are increasingly calling those positions MLE, applied scientist, or research scientist though, while using the data scientist title only for analyst. So don't be a data scientist that is actually just analyst. If you're building and deploying models that have impact, then you have a clear path for growth though.

IBM bbWI22 Aug 6, 2020

They require two separate background: You need a PhD or at least be very good at research & experimentation to get far in DS. You need to understand ML principles and be good at coding to get far in MLE.

Ecolab DataDork Aug 6, 2020

Ds is business facing, mle is not. If you know anything you know who has most room for growth based on that.

GoDaddy tctctc Aug 6, 2020

Software engineer with an ML focus is probably better

Indeed ind*o*d Aug 6, 2020


Parker Hannifin hyprcubic🦔 Aug 10, 2020


Oracle lwnb8 Aug 7, 2020

Potential depends on who you are in this case. DS has you talking to execs now and again, MLE is a SME on an engineering team. The first has more support to move up, the second slightly higher pay at the ground level.

Walmart syntaxbugs Aug 7, 2020

Correct assessment, though I believe the pay is much higher on average for the MLE at ground level