Data Structures and Algo for Data Engineer II at Amazon

Hey all, I am just curious . I am in the process of scheduling interviews with Amazon for Data engineer II. But I am curious if they ask DS and Algos for a position like this. Everyone says Leetcode, but what should one do in Leetcode. Is it just the Database category or everything including Sys Design, algorithm category etc. I find a lot of answers for Software engineer positions but not much for Data engineer roles. Also I use Python a fair bit, especially for data manipulation which cannot be done by SQL but most of my etl is done with tools. Would anyone have an idea as to what kind of python etl questions can be expected. Also use Spark for a fair bit of data ingestion. Thanks y’all

Amazon print(' Jul 6, 2018

When I interview data engineers I ask about BST. If they whine I ask to explain how a database index works. Based on my observations, the DE bar is very low at Amazon and biased in favor of Inman- Kimball parrots. This is a fault of interviewers and bar raisers.

Kaiser Permanente Otqt37 OP Jul 9, 2018

Ha ha !! Inman -kimball parrots 😂

Kaiser Permanente Otqt37 OP Jul 9, 2018

Do you also focus on algorithms and ds. Asking you coz you were the only one who took time to reply

CVS Health SpikeSan Jul 6, 2018

Following. Also sent OP a PM.

Microsoft Fud6555 Jul 6, 2018

Why did you post this comment?

Amazon jhfhb Aug 18, 2018


Fujitsu spartan321 Dec 11, 2018

@Op May I know how’s ur interview and what kind of interview questions u were asked?