Tech IndustrySep 17, 2019

Data science in the bay area.

I'm assessing a possible job offer in the bay area. The job will be in non tech as a data scientist, so I'm guessing the pay may not be great. I'm looking at the opportunity as a gateway to the Bay area. How is the data science scene in the bay area? Has everything moved to automl and data prep tools already or is github still being widely used with open source tools? Asking to know the state of the field.

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eBay pepperjack Sep 17, 2019

Are you going to build just Tableau reports and push around Excel spreadsheets as Data Scientist? If not then it is a fucking Tech role. What is your YOE?

Chegg esen Sep 17, 2019

Kind of think he means it’s a non-tech company.... like target. Chill.

Ford carsun OP Sep 17, 2019


Ford carsun OP Sep 17, 2019

I should've framed it better. I meant a non tech company. 3 yrs YOE

Sears prodigy004 Sep 17, 2019

Mate, you're wildly disconnected with the data science scene in general if you had to ask if everything has moved to AutoML

Ford carsun OP Sep 17, 2019

I just feel that being in the Midwest , maybe the bay area data science scene is far ahead. Just wanted to check my assumption

Citibank noisyedge Sep 17, 2019

I mean the new rounds from H2O and DataRobot sure paint a picture of the market... but sometimes I'm worried the message is "winter is coming" 😅

Lyft wrBR34 Sep 17, 2019

We don’t use any commercial tools. All sklearn, spark , ...

Ford carsun OP Sep 18, 2019

Thanks there's finally a sane answer

0566 Sep 26, 2019

I'm a data scientist at a non-tech company based in Oakland. We use R and python for everything.