Data scientist meta laptop

I got given a 2021 MacBook Air ? Is this normal for meta data scientists. Where all the m2/3 MacBooks? London location TC £150k YOE 5

Instacart rDLT802 Mar 4

Probably in California

Amazon ag4mho3 Mar 4

Why are working on a local machine for any of that work anyway. You’ve got access to unlimited resources.

O_o!!! Mar 4

Hi OP would you mind if I ask when was/ will be your offer/ start date? Completed my loop few weeks ago, recruiter mentioned positive feedback but need finalising on level and headcount. Not sure if this is just a soft reject or not as I still see people onboarding/team matching

Meta urban_ Mar 4

We are in the year of efficiency now so we have to cheap out on laptops, phones etc. 😂

F5 Networks EffFive Mar 4

Plenty of data platforms still run on i7s only

Amazon NFTPunk OP Mar 4

lol insane

Expedia Group EXP3DIA Mar 4

I thought Meta provided the newest Mac available at the moment lol