Dealing wirh Robinhood taxes

Would like to buy some stocks, but 33% taxes on the gains deter me from doing that. How do you get around the substantial burden this supposes? I thought about buying the stocks via a close third party (family) who doesn't earn a salary hence would be taxed lower. Ideas? #stockmarket #taxes

eBay jkklg Nov 14, 2020

67 of 100 is still better than 0.

Hulu YellowPalm Nov 14, 2020

The best way to summarize it. I still dont understand why people put taxes as a concern to not invest in stock. I guess some people just dont know basic financials

VMware new2dagame Nov 27, 2020

You see, I want free money, but not if I could have had more of it instead of giving it to poor people

Walmart Crash&Burn Nov 14, 2020

You can also pay $0 taxes with that strategy when that family member runs away with you money.

Magic Leap VRzD02 OP Nov 14, 2020

You have an interesting family Sir

Google puff puff Nov 15, 2020

You haven’t lived long enough ma’am. Hurts worse than the loss of the money.

Jet GgcE62 Nov 14, 2020

Ideas: long term capital gains

Magic Leap VRzD02 OP Nov 14, 2020

Thanks, one good input. So no way for short term trading, I see

Facebook public2 Nov 14, 2020

Shouldn't short term trade anyway unless you are trying to lose money to lower your taxes. You can write off 3k cap loss per year

Facebook public2 Nov 14, 2020

1) Never sell 2) If you do sell, sell after 1+ year

LinkedIn YUzH07 Nov 14, 2020

If you are not a resident you’ll pay 33% tax, no matter on how long you hold them

Carta cNWL57 Nov 14, 2020

Are you sure, LinkedIn?

Optum Xanadoo Nov 14, 2020

Depending on the value, I wouldn't try money laundering at federal scale...esp now as the IRS will be out for blood. Go long term and hope biden doesn't pass his 40% capital gains tax

State Farm Jake from Nov 14, 2020

It’s for capital gains of $1m+

Expedia Group notanymore Nov 14, 2020

Taxes apply to short term trading profits. If you dont want to owe taxes, you could adopt a buy high sell low strategy, really stick it to the them who's boss.

Optum Xanadoo Nov 14, 2020


Expedia Group notanymore Nov 14, 2020

Whaddaya mean "false" ? my strategy (for OP) is sound....if he loses money on his trades, no taxes owed. It's a lot better than his idea of giving family members money to trade stocks on his behalf. That has disaster written all over it....

Google nJ3pC6 Nov 14, 2020

Wait will Biden increase capital gains tax to 40%? Oh man...

Optum Xanadoo Nov 14, 2020

Yes. This is why folks should focus on policy and not whatever you want to call this past election

Google nJ3pC6 Nov 14, 2020

I hope the election is nullified.

Blink Health yt4fg Nov 14, 2020

On the other hand, if you have losses you can't deduct it at 33 percent rate. And you will have to deal with gift tax rules or prove that it wasn't a gift to irs. I'd strongly advise against this idea if you want peace of mind. If you do invest in family member account, keep it under 10k.

Amazon irunknee Nov 14, 2020

Buy, hold, and never sell. For better results, buy BRK.B, hold, never sell, and never pay dividend tax drag.

Citadel C++23 Nov 15, 2020

BRK underperforms the market in the past decade though...

Amazon irunknee Nov 15, 2020

Maybe if you’re very selective with which 10 year timeframe. 98% of them, no.

Amazon doceyjon Nov 14, 2020

You have to pay taxes for Robinhood trades???? Why is this not in their T&Cs? I will never financially recover from this!