Deloitte Contractor vs. Full-Time

Is it better to work at Deloitte as a contractor or FT employee? Appreciate any insights about any differences in pay, projects, opportunities for growth and culture. Specifically for consulting in the Bay Area.

TD Ameritrade ilikegirls Jan 15, 2020

Well this one seems a bit obvious in my opinion. I’ve done both in my career. What benefits do you see in staying a contractor? Only thing I can think of is that if your client fires you, technically you still have a job/paycheck. If you’re good, you should be FT

Deloitte Makiavelli Jan 16, 2020

full time of course?

Deloitte felipe11r Jan 16, 2020

Contractor you can probably make 30% more money.. trust me I’m a recruiter that works for Deloitte

Deloitte JAdv62 Jan 16, 2020

FT if you want benefits like insurance/maternity/Paternity/pto + additional firm work Contractor if you want just money on hourly basis and not worry about long term

Deloitte Zix1j Jan 19, 2020

I worked at Deloitte as contractor initially and then joined full time. And in both position i have good experience at Deloitte as far as company culture there is no difference in your importance at work and in team to accept your input at work in US. However its big difference in India, as major of the ppl in my team who are in India working as contractor said there is no respect, value and importance of good contractor in India. And it might be same for other country based on that country's work culture. Indian work culture is always political and intented to only show good work of full time, its never going to be changed. So i would like to suggest to work as Fulltime. Some of Deloitte benefits are really good and if you join as full time will allow you to have good work life balance.

Deloitte b1245 Jul 7, 2021

I'm curious on how the conversation process was for you? Did you just applied or did the manager made an offer, then interviews, etc?