Tech IndustryJun 2, 2022

Deloitte Manager salary range

What is the salary range or max salary cap for Manager role at Deloitte in Phoenix area? This is internal facing and I have 11+ years experience. Current base is 200k+. #deloitte

Milliman blindbliss OP Jun 3, 2022


Rizing eVMm65 Jun 6, 2022

I received an offer for a Manager position with a $195k base, and a 23% yearly AIP bonus (max of $45k/year), within the last 2 months. I have no idea what the salary range is, nor what the max salary cap is. I'm in the Denver area, and Phoenix is comparable, so at least you have a valid data point.

Milliman blindbliss OP Jun 6, 2022

Sensational! Thank you. Yoe?