Deloitte Salaries

Guidewire Salaries any idea ??

Synopsys energygui Mar 9, 2021

Deloitte or Guidewire?

Amazon BIEngHuman OP Mar 9, 2021

GW consultant salaries in Deloitte

ZapLabs tr0llcmnts Mar 9, 2021

As far as i know, its same as SalesForce consultant or sap consultant

Amazon BIEngHuman OP Mar 11, 2021

ballpark figure in CAD for those 🤔?

ZapLabs tr0llcmnts Mar 11, 2021

I know a sr. Salesforce Consultant who makes around 130k usd. Should be around the same but in CAD. (Its my guess, one of my friend moved from PWC US to PWC Canada because of visa issues, and the salary offered same but in CAD)