PoliticsMar 13, 2019

Democrats to gain 3M votes

and a lot more through chain migration. In a few terms congress will be full of AOC and Omar. https://www.vox.com/2019/3/12/18261574/dream-act-daca-tps-democrats-bill

House Democrats introduce bill to offer 2.5 million immigrants chance at permanent status
House Democrats introduce bill to offer 2.5 million immigrants chance at permanent status
Apple k%€\|/~} Mar 13, 2019


Microsoft trollExp Mar 13, 2019

That's awesome! More undocumented immigrants and fewer H1Bs! More hardworking Latinos and fewer Indian and Chinese cheaters!

xbHI35 Mar 13, 2019


Microsoft trollExp Mar 13, 2019

What what? These hard working undocumented immigrants are taking the jobs no one wants to do with little pay. H1B cheaters from India and China are robbing tech jobs from Americans

xbHI35 Mar 13, 2019

These morons!! We need to abolish Democrats.

Microsoft trollExp Mar 13, 2019

Republicans will have fewer supporters and implode. Long live the Democrats!

xbHI35 Mar 13, 2019

For letting unqualified scums in?

Panasonic Avionics Tac0s Mar 13, 2019


Intel DonaldDD's Mar 13, 2019

I'm a lefty moderate, maybe a bit conservative on immigration-but hear out the logic. I want to know others' opinions on this too. Please respectfully debate. I do fear a bit (not to the extreme) the long term impacts of amnesty and the impacts of chain migration. Amnesty is generally an open invitation to illegal immigration in some level, especially when amnesty in some form comes at least every decade or so. America's government was founded on representation at a local level. When immigrants are allowed in huge numbers, votes are swayed away from local and internal struggles to representing the voice of people with strong foreign ties and opinions. Policy changes will take the time of politicians to focus on external issues like immigration and foreign conflicts. Those issues affect relatively few Americans, but the focus is needed to attract voters. Time is spent there rather than on domestic issues like healthcare, infrastructure, and education which affects every person living in America.

Apple k%€\|/~} Mar 13, 2019

Should an immigrant not be able to participate in local government because he has "strong foreign ties"? And what ties are these and how will you guage these ties? Does an immigrant not worry about the same healthcare, infrastructure, and education? If votes are " swayed away", remember that they are swayed away by other americans. Those americans happen to be immigrants, but they are Americans. Their votes matter as much as anybody's. It's like saying "old people away votes to the GOP, so let's strip them of voting rights". If you don't like the way someone votes, well, that's un American of you. ------—------------------------------- America as we know it was created by immigrants from Europe who fought the locals, defeated and subjugated them, and setup a new government and an economy built by using free labor kidnapped from Africa and treated like property.

Intel DonaldDD's Mar 13, 2019

Remember that citizenship takes a while to earn, even after obtaining a GC and I believe that has the real purpose of taking the time to internalize American issues. It's hard to become properly informed. Everybody has ties abroad, whether it be ancestry, previous visits, or maybe a few years of living. That's fine and we can learn something from the success of other countries. My fear is that legislation will be swayed to help get their distant relatives and friends to America just because it's a better quality of life. I respect the voting opinions of citizens alone (willing to debate here even if you aren't tho). I want them to have taken the time and personalization of the issues of their domestic community primarily and international community 2nd. I don't see a purpose in dredging the horrors of a Spanish-funded Italian man who wanted personal glory. The smallpox blankets are what primarily destroyed the continent. Furthermore, America kept slavery for too long but the Atlantic slave trade was a Dutch invention. Slavery existed for millennia across the world and the word "slave" comes from Slavs that were enslaved at one point in time. Don't forget that the Mayans were famous for having slaves that they killed publicly and as religious sacrifice. The world sucks, ok. The American revolution was done specifically because the local opinion wasn't represented. Our founding fathers set out to protect local communities by establishing and protecting the sovereignty of townships, states, and federal representation of states as well as sub-state regions.

ANSYS sam1 Mar 13, 2019

Won't pass anyways. Lol 😂. Dreamers should keep on dreaming.

Salesforce ChEN68 Mar 13, 2019

Demoncraps have to import their voters these days. Only chance to stay in power and turn our country into a socialist sh!thole

Salesforce hfgnntunv Mar 13, 2019

Have anyone actually read the article? Have anyone actually looked at retirements to qualify for DACA? Here just a few: - you have to have college degree or be in school - you have to have spotless criminal background Etc. Those kids are more American than any H1B here. I bet non of them go around and shit on over groups of people

xbHI35 Mar 13, 2019

Sure I ll smuggle kids in to this country too!!

xbHI35 Mar 13, 2019

“Those kids are more American” what a joke?