Tech IndustryApr 30, 2022

Deployment Strategist / Echo at Palantir - Experience Needed? - Advice

Canadian here working at a marketing agency. Looking at making a career shift to stay sane! I work in the consumer electronics & retail verticals, managing the retail and training program for one of the big PC manufacturers. Work very closely with the vendor's (Canadian) category and account team, and my work is very integrated with theirs. Also work very closely with their partners (Best Buy, Microsoft, Google, etc.). I've been with the same employer since graduating with a BComm. (finance focus), and while I'm very happy with my leaders, my team, and what I've accomplished, I feel I am underpaid for the work I do, and that the work doesn't actually mean THAT much to me. I've rebuilt the whole program since I started 9 years ago, I've introduced automation, data science work, aggregated siloed data sources into presentable PowerBI dashboards, worked through client pitches and RFPs, developed new service offerings, etc. I've led several program coordinators, field managers, and trained & managed over 200+ brand representatives. In my most recent project, I learned Python and SQL for a data-enablement initiative I pitched to the client. I found this experience to be extremely rewarding and very pleasant. My project turned into a service offering for my company, and helped land over $9m in renewed work with big names like Google. This is fueling my desire to get involved with data at a larger scale, and Palantir has always been an org that's been at the back of my mind. The DS/Echo role at Palantir SEEMS to be up my alley, but I'm not entirely sure what to expect. I have loads of experience working and pitching to clients, working with their data science teams, understanding their business and developing data-driven initiatives to solve business problems. I am self-taught on the data, python, and SQL side of things, and I understand concepts for efficient data design. There have been open DS positions at Palantir in Canada. At the same time, my girlfriend and I are also considering making a move to the US over the coming 2-5 years (primarily for better opportunities in tech). I anticipate that my next professional position will have a much better compensation than where I'm at now ($85k), and I feel that's contributing to an imposter syndrome... Q1: What type of professional experience & technical skillset is best suited for a DS/Echo role at Palantir? Q2: Is there another career path I should consider? I feel I've developed tunnel vision with regard to the DS role... Q3: Are there any data points on the compensation delta between Canada and US for the Echo role at Palantir? (Glassdoor shows $140k+/- CAD TC, and Blind threads show ~$190k+/- USD TC). Any pointers would be appreciated! #palantir #tech #data #echo #deploymentstrategist

Argo AI whatsaTC May 4, 2022

If you're open to Ds at Palantir , why not just jump into regular consulting for a short period?

ineedname~ OP May 4, 2022

Yeah I'm considering it. I get paid peanuts as it is -- not sure if regular consulting pays as much as tech, but it's definitely a good suggestion as a stepping stone

Argo AI whatsaTC May 4, 2022

The major consulting firms pay way more than Palantir pays for a DS. And from a non tech perspective they pay way more than tech if you stay around a bit (Im talking the major ones like Bain, BCG etc and some others). But consulting is also a grind and I can't imagine doing that for more than 2 years. Pay scales for consulting is public info tho so you can look it up