HR IssuesSep 23, 2020

Discrimination at Hulu

A fellow coworker today told me she didn’t understand why everyone was upset about the Breonna Taylor decision. The same employee has also been vocal about Trump, barring marketing from producing anything disparaging in marketing materials for documentaries such as Hillary. On marketing the show Love, Victor she said in a one on one that were paying to much attention to THOSE people meaning gays and Hispanics. I’ve reported the behavior to HR multiple times as have many other employees. My question is, how do you deal with such an extreme racist when the company is unwilling to do anything about it, even when their managers are very aware? #hrissues #racism

Google Dr. Seuss Sep 23, 2020

You want her to lose her job and censor her ? Why not have a serious talk over this

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Box kbhh364 Sep 23, 2020

Listen to the complete statement of AG. According to the law it was tragic but not unlawful. I know it's difficult to accept that. That's y change ur elected representatives. No good will be accomplished by censoring that one teammate of yours.

Salesforce MBul41 Sep 23, 2020

Can you physically dominate them in an altercation?

jSJs14 Sep 23, 2020

Document, document, document

Blue Origin Soldado Sep 24, 2020

Agreed. And read “Crucial Conversations.” It will give you the framework for the tough discussion you need to have, where you express that the things she says are hurtful to you and in the future you should keep all conversations to professional matters. There are a couple little tools that come in handy. If she says “THOSE people,” ask her what kind of people. Make her say it out loud. If she says something is a joke, say “I don’t get it. Can you explain it to me?”

jSJs14 Sep 24, 2020

Everything Blue Origin said above When these convos happen, write it down afterward or send yourself an email. Note what she said, what you said, what your boss or HR said, who else was present. HR can't ignore it because now there is evidence and witnesses for a lawsuit.

Box kbhh364 Sep 23, 2020

I seriously don't know why people express their political affiliation at work place. Just do your job. Nevertheless trump is coming back.

Informatica delaware Mar 9, 2021


VMware VMtoFB Apr 16, 2021


Snapchat goosechase Sep 23, 2020

I still don't see what is extremely racist about her behavior

Facebook inisnewfb Sep 24, 2020

Racism doesn’t have to be direct. Supporting a person who is promoting racism can put you in the same bucket.

Snapchat goosechase Sep 24, 2020

Oh no not the tired "Trump is racist" trope

gubbles Sep 23, 2020

Try and help them learn to not be racist without making them give up their faith in conservatism. The liberal line is annoying and ineffective; treat them as human and call out shit as uncool.

Hulu hAPB94 Nov 20, 2020

Way too reasonable

SamBnx1e34 Sep 24, 2020

"Look I understand how you feel and it may be different than other people around here. However I would appreciate if you dont bring this up around me while we're working. Thank you" If your HR doesn't care not much you can do.

not there Sep 24, 2020

Why are people mad about the decision? Her bf shot through the door and cops shot back.

Microsoft TrumpWins Sep 24, 2020

Media narrative: she was an innocent black woman just trying to live life Reality: she dated a serious drug dealer who killed people and hid bodies in her rental car. This drug dealer used her phone number/address and used her home as a trap house to sell drugs and keep cash. Her name was on the warrant and police announced themselves at least twice before entering

American Express mliw Sep 24, 2020

Outrage culture. These people will always believe what they want despite all the facts and evidence in the world disproving their opinion.

American Home Shield swtdckwlly Sep 24, 2020

There is a deep anti black hatred that exists in this country. In corporate america. Especially in tech. There is a reason why black people make up less than 3% of employees in most companies. It's not a pipeline issue. It's everywhere. Do what you can where you are. Don't expect anything to change.

American Express mliw Sep 24, 2020

That explains active initiatives specifically to employ people of color and primarily black people? Let's be honest, the reason 3% of employees in most companies are black isn't racism. There simply aren't enough qualified black people to get more. These companies are dying to hire on as many as they can for their diversity quota. Don't make up dystopian fantasies in your head just because you are unable to find a better job.

American Home Shield swtdckwlly Sep 24, 2020

You mean initiatives like affimative action? Name one company that has special initiatives targeting only black people and specifically black engineers (which there are plenty). Terms like minority and people of color don't mean anything. Your denial doesn't make any of my statements false. Stick to what you know and stop with the lies.

American Express mliw Sep 24, 2020

Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Mind your own business. Whether you agree or not, nothing you listed indicates any sort of discrimination.