Disney full time conversion

A buddy of mine is thinking about taking up a contract gig with Walt Disney. Can you tell me how frequently they turn their contract workers into full-time employees? He's a U.S. citizen, so there shouldn't be any visa-related concerns. TC: 130k YOE: 3yrs

HCL oUFk01 Sep 7, 2023

They will convert if performance is good

ex-Discovery market/ Sep 7, 2023

It obviously depends where at Disney but I’m hearing they don’t have much headcount until next FY due to recent layoffs - so they are going heavy into contractors

Disney stzU20 Sep 8, 2023

Don’t. I’ve worked closely with contractors through my 5 years at Disney and they always promise to convert you full time and then screw you over at the last minute. Not to mention they promise to extend your contract but then tell you a couple weeks before it expires that they actually aren’t extending you. I would avoid working as a contractor at all costs.

ex-QVC zlxA02 OP Sep 10, 2023

Do you know if they convert H1b contractors to full time or do they convert on visa independent contractors?

Disney 🧚🏼‍♀️ dust Sep 13, 2023

Every contractor that came into our team got converted to a cast member except for 1

Disney UifS30 Sep 8, 2023

Better to start as an employee if that's the end goal. Some benefits are tied to years of service (more vacation, better park passes, etc) and that clock only starts when you are an employee, not a contractor.