Misc.Feb 9

Disney’s madness: 50% of actors, producers, overall crew should be from “underrepresented” groups

How did we guys miss that excellent news? Imagine being denied from employment simply because you are too normal? Elon writes: https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1754999578619707658 An anonymous source just sent me this from Disney. It is mandatory, institutionalized racism and sexism!

84 Participants
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Intel fatheroall Feb 9

Black Hitler? Chinese Obama?

Oracle hbvz6@ OP Feb 9

Biden gay

Confluent busItWide Feb 9

2 l8

Amazon UcQw38 Feb 9

Not to defend Disney but… if there are 10 people in the cast… Let’s say 5 are non-ethnic aka American and the other 5 are ethnic (1 Indian, 1 Chinese, 1 Native, 1 Hispanic, 1 Russian etc.) That feels like a solid split. Not saying I necessarily agree with their rule… but I feel like it could be worse. We have to remember that ethnicity is a wide bridge. There are even many Caucasian (non-American) people out here too who would benefit from representation. The caveat here is making sure that the talent level of the candidate matches the job description… which for Disney the bar for talent is pretty low anyway.

Oracle hbvz6@ OP Feb 9

Unfortunately it will not work in Disney. Because if they hire “5 are non-ethnic aka American” they will not hire “1 Indian, 1 Chinese, 1 Hispanic, 1 Russian” because they are not from underrepresented groups. They will hire various perverts instead.

ex-Meta kejty Feb 9

Who is voting Disney is right? Are you stupid?

Amazon nexixjeeb Feb 9

Yes they are

Google fbvnaijf7 Feb 9

They're brainwashed more than they are stupid. Houseweifes with munchausen syndrome transing their kids and waiting for a cartoon to tell them they did the right thing by crippling their poor children for life.

Amazon FIJz15 Feb 9

How do you define “too normal”?

Werb Feb 9

Statistics? The same way Disney is?

Amazon FIJz15 Feb 9

These statistics are not a definition of “normal”.

Werb Feb 9

This is ruining Disney content (and quality of work everywhere). The best person should get the job, period. It’s crazy that this is a controversial viewpoint.

Samsung Spartacus⚔️ Feb 9

What do you want OP? White Only Disney?

Yelp robbed Feb 9

Minorities means there’s less of them, they make up 20% of the population why should they have 50+% of the roles???

Samsung Spartacus⚔️ Feb 9

Disney is a global company. So called “minorities” are the majority of the world’s population.

Comcast HighFidelt Feb 9

The irony of demanding that underrepresented minority characters be played by underrepresented minority actors is that underrepresented minority actors will never have the opportunity to act as anything other than underrepresented minority characters. Social Marxism at its finest for you

State Farm bean0 Feb 9

That’s a huuuuuuuge gray area. For example, Mr. Fantastic has always been white, but Pedro Pascal is Chilean. I have no problem with this. But generally, yeah. Black actors won’t play white characters. Michael Peña only gets cast as Hispanic characters because, well… I’m Hispanic and i don’t give af about representation. Only thing that bothers me is when they don’t get authentic Hispanic actors to play Hispanic roles. There are a lot of actors who get cast in Spanish speaking roles who get cast because they’re Hispanic and look Hispanic but speak terrible Spanish

Salesforce G1Gjmy Feb 9

Race/ethnicity of a character is irrelevant for probably the majority of roles. It's irrelevant to the character of MJ (from spiderman) if she's played by a minority. Mermaids are fictional creatures and for stories involving them race/ethnicity is irrelevant. Conversely it matters that Luke cage is black and that daredevil is white. But some folks want to play victim cards and then we have to deal with this whole pendulum swing nonsense. 🤷‍♂️

Google jumbi Feb 9

Is normal. Blue eyed, 6 feet tall, and blonde haired? Hollywoods idea of tall dark and handsome was a dude with a tan that looked like he got out in the sun 2 days in the past month for 90% of their history. Now people are complaining because a fictional mermaid isn’t white. Shut the front door of your face up, or say it with your chest. Don’t stand on ceremony say what you really mean.

Fidelity Investments xgeV08 Feb 9

My biggest problem was not that she was black, it’s that she was supposed to be very beautiful and she did not look beautiful at all.

Amazon nexixjeeb Feb 9

How does that even make sense? If they’re underrepresented they’re not 50% to begin with lol

Amazon awAd70 Feb 9

Combine all underrepresented populations and it’s more than 50%.

Amazon nexixjeeb Feb 9

That’s not how statistics work

Amazon awAd70 Feb 9

Tell me you’re a white cis man without telling me you’re a white cis man

Oracle hbvz6@ OP Feb 9

Why do you use the terminology as “cis” promoted by sick perverts? There is only one type of men, carriers of XY chromosomes.

Google fbvnaijf7 Feb 9

Tell me you're a woke asshole without telling me you're a woke asshole.