Tech IndustryMar 3, 2019

Do FAANG SE's have to do coding interviews when taking jobs elsewhere?

I worked at a startup where our senior devs gave job applicants coding interviews. One applicant worked at Netflix and refused to do the coding interview saying her career spoke for itself. It seemed a little conceited but at the same time I kind of agreed. Is this normal?

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Okta doomsday Mar 3, 2019


Aurora bystander! Mar 3, 2019

A missing red carpet upset her.

Amazon Andy Pezos Mar 3, 2019

Not normal. Just because someone is from fang does not mean they are good. Even at Google there’s some dead wood. I would pass on such a person for IC role.

Google hireable Mar 3, 2019

I'm starting to look for a new job now and I'm expecting all decent companies to ask me coding questions.

Wells Fargo gyut Mar 3, 2019

It’s ridiculous. It doesn’t matter how great the person is .. they have to go through the company interview process.. even if the interview process sounds stupid...if someone refuse to go through the process, then it’s a red flag to hire and manage such type of persons.. good luck managing them..

Amadeus Trick2g Mar 3, 2019

Does your company pay more than fang? If the candidate makes way more tc than your senior engineers, then yeah, you guys don’t have the credentials to ask that person to go through an entire loop.

Oracle tamatar Mar 3, 2019

Only if they agree to get down-leveled

Adobe kiuyfder Mar 3, 2019

I think the only folks that get to skip traditional interviews are people that contribute heavily to open source, or have prior programming experience with the people interviewing them.

OpenTable Meliodas Mar 3, 2019

Yes. I may skip a coding project, if someone has a public portfolio of code that we can review instead, but that goes for anyone. There is nothing special about FAANG. In fact, the opposite, they can afford to hire bad devs.

Amazon Andy Pezos Mar 3, 2019

Not sure why would someone with extensive portfolio and/or open source contributions ever want to skip coding interviews. The interview is usually easier than the actual job.

Adobe kiuyfder Mar 3, 2019

They skip right to personality fit and maybe system design interviews.

Bloomberg iVX372 Mar 3, 2019

You might want to skip it in order to fit in more interviews, and get more offers.