Do Google employees use other search engines to avoid Google knowing what they search?

Like if you work at Google and you’re at home searching for random stuff that would be embarrassing if your employer knew (literally any random internet stuff), would you use Bing or something?

Microsoft maverickk Sep 30, 2018

You do know that Google can't just pull up your search history just because they "feel like it" right? They'd need a subpoena or something. This is a lame ass post IMO.

TD Ameritrade hexs OP Sep 30, 2018

You’re saying Google search histories are owned by the user and not Google? No didn’t know that. If it’s true, how does their challenge pick people?

Collective Health SpoonMorn Sep 30, 2018

Foo bar is done automatically not manually

Microsoft Bykoni Sep 30, 2018


Google xVMM46 Sep 30, 2018

No, we use Google, like anyone else. And access to user accounts is heavily restricted and delimited and logged and audited.

TD Ameritrade hexs OP Sep 30, 2018

Thanks for the straight-up reply that doesn’t make weird assertions about what you “can” or “can’t” do. Saying Google has strict policies is much more believable than to say Google needs a subpoena.

Google xVMM46 Sep 30, 2018

Any service provider, anywhere, has the ability to see their customer's data (unless there's a true zero knowledge encryption in place). The key is about the company having safeguards and ethics.

Google BiggusD Oct 1, 2018

Haha no bro, just use incognito mode if anything. And that's more about it not showing in history for yourself.