PoliticsFeb 17, 2019

Do people actually think AOC is an effective leader?

I’m curious why people support her. To me, she’s celebrated because she’s 1. Not a white man, 2. She parrots all of the leftist SJW Twitter talking points, 3. She’s a Trump hater. She seems like she’s going down the road of my own local socialist leader Kshama Sawant, who much of the city (even progressives and other city council members) despises. Currently her crowning achievement is blocking 40,000 high paying jobs from coming to her district. So what do her supporters think are her greatest strengths?

187 Participants
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Uber DgoQ22 Feb 17, 2019

She’s the trump of the left. I wonder where did all the centrist went.

Google Mr Glass Feb 17, 2019

AOC is a dumb idiot making a mockery of the idea of meritocracy, the value of competence, and working hard and smart to earn a worthy status. Why do any of that when you can be hip and woke, claim victimhood points, claim also the sanctimonious moral high ground by virtue signalling, and use your feminine charm and "damsel in distress" approach to evoke sympathy and support and gain the same status and position?

Tableau mcTG64 Feb 17, 2019

If it took the arrival of AOC for you to realize that there is no meritocracy, you should be grateful that she showed up.

Apple TimmyC00k Feb 17, 2019

None of the above. She is probably the only one who can win against Trump. It’s sad that she can’t run for president in 2020.

Amazon beesohs Feb 17, 2019

So she actually can’t win against Trump, then.

Microsoft yesterda Feb 17, 2019

Why can’t she run ?

Credit Karma EllisDee25 Feb 17, 2019

What conservatives as well as DNC centrists don’t get is that the recession killed off Regan-Clinton type politics among significant parts of the population. That “deal” of “give everything to business and the economy will grow forever and we’ll all eventually get rich” rightfully rings hollow to people now. They want a new deal. So politics on the right and left are getting a larger hearing from people now. AOC is successful because she’s resonating with the left-wing expression of this polarization. She’s standing up for things that the Democrat base want - and challenging the DNC’s stale politics. Real universal healthcare, aggressive environmental policy, serious reinvestment in working class jobs and communities... these are all the things the DNC has spent the last several decades telling their base “yeah I really want that too” but that we have to be practical, we have to tailor it to conservative politicians (a lie since they controlled the vast majority of the government at several points, just an excuse to ensure the law is business-friendly). AOC is disrupting this old dance and balancing act by Democrats by making them put their vote where their mouth is.

Google Mr Glass Feb 17, 2019

She's standing up for nothing but ignorance. Unfortunately we have quite a few ignorant folks among our voter base 😕😔

Amazon 🍌s 4 Bezos Feb 17, 2019

“If everyone weren’t so ignorant, they’d see that my view point is the correct one.” Mr Glass for Senate

Expedia xaRe06 Feb 17, 2019

I feel like she is a champion for progressive viewpoints. She is able to articulate my hopes and fears in a way that I haven't heard other people articulate. She might not say the right things but I feel like she says things the right way. She is the megaphone that amplifies our pie in the sky dreams. I know that what she advocates for will not be the end result but I feel that she needs to make these arguments, so that we move the needle in the right directions. I am sure that she will make many many mistakes, some big ,some small, some significant and others not. But I believe her heart is in the right place and that it is up to us progressives to support her and to tell her when she is wrong, to remind her of our goals, to help her become a better leader and to pray that she finds the strength and wisdom to lead us.

Twitch daddyb Feb 17, 2019

I like her just because every Trump supporter hates her and that’s good enough for me.

Google Mr Glass Feb 17, 2019

So you like her because you're a troll?

American Express D.BCooper Feb 17, 2019

I voted Trump and like her. I also like Sanders. I love outsiders but think Trump has proven to be a moron and ineffective. Id vote for a Sherrod Brown, Beto or Klobucher in a heartbeat. East/West coast liberal politics don't win anything but Cali/NY/Mass, and those states are not relevant in presidential politics. It comes down to Ohio, Michigan, Florida and WI/Minn. Nothing else and those people dont care about 10 gender options, different bathrooms, homeless rights, and generally think illegal immigrantion is a law and order situation. Obama won the 'blue wall' there and cleaned up.

VMware QEnH02 Feb 17, 2019

The real issue with AOC (and the Democrats) is that she reenforces the Message that people do NOT need to take personal responsibility for their life decisions and choices. She reenforces the ‘its not your fault’ and that everyone is equal. And she can fix that via government, just like they did it in communist Russia, Cuba and now venezuela. But of course, her way will work

IBM thisissam Feb 17, 2019

Lovely how Everytime a conservative brings up socialism they never talk about Denmark, Canada, Sweden, and Norway. They bring up Venezuela which failed because of an entirely different reasons: corruption in state officials stealing from coffers, a non diversified economy (over reliance on oil as sole export, importing everything else), not to mention the numerous economic sanctions the US has put on Venezuela. Venezuela is a terrible example, and is not even the kind of socialism most progressives are talking about. Yes, personal responsibility is one thing, but when you never talk about corporate responsibility, environmental responsibility, community responsibility, you're being disingenuous. For me, it is just about how we spend what we're already being taxed. Should we spend half our budget on the military or should we spend it on healthcare, and a social safety net? Should a country invest in it's citizens welfare or more bombs to blow up the country of the week?

Microsoft FBisEvil Feb 17, 2019

Venezuela was actual socialism instead of a social democracy. State owned means of production. Actual socialism is dangerous and conflating the two like you is equally so. Nordic countries have experimented with gov owned enterprises but have shifted away from that even while having a social democracy. Now aoc has actually advocated the gov having equity in industries which is actual socialism. She’s also advocated for a radical economic plan which would undoubtedly crowd out other industries, all while giving gov equity in the largest new industry. She also wants to guarantee economic security for those unwilling to work and guarantee a gov job to everyone who does. She definitely leans towards actual socialism, whether or not her white knights want to admit it.

Salesforce kaIi06 Feb 17, 2019

She is awful in economics. Dumb as shit in policy making. All she adores is socialism which she thinks is progressive. Imo she doesn't deserve to be even assistant to the president.

Apple Hansel2 Feb 17, 2019

So, Trump “wins” because 1. He is white 2. Parrots whatever Ann Coulter/Hannity goads him to do 3. He is a Hillary hater ?

Microsoft TrumpWins OP Feb 17, 2019

1. I don’t vote by race. I’d be fine with a Nikki Haley or Tulsi Gabbard presidency 2. Ann Coulter recently called Trump an idiot and Hannity was on air saying the border deal Trump signed was absolutely terrible 3. Hillary is the most corrupt politician in America

h5n1 Feb 17, 2019

She is one of the very few politicians who is genuinely trying to drain the swamp. Unlike Trump who only talks about it but then appoints Washington insiders. AOC is new and over reaches sometimes but that's easily forgiveable given the spotlight she shines on corrupt shit in Washington.

Dropbox drl/food Feb 17, 2019

She's a dirty commie.

h5n1 Feb 17, 2019

I think she's a clean one